10 Representative Journal Papers
- Living Diatom Microalgae for Desiccation-Resistant Electrodes in Biophotovoltaic Devices.
2024Vicente-Garcia, C., Vona, D., Milano, F., Buscemi, G., Grattieri, M., Ragni, R., & Farinola, G. M.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024
A photosensitive enzyme from a photosynthetic bacteria can be entrapped in polydopamine thin films without denaturation and used to produce photoelectrodes
M. Lo Presti, M. M. Giangregorio, R. Ragni, L. Giotta, M. R. Guascito, R. Comparelli, E. Fanizza, R.R. Tangorra, A. Agostiano, M. Losurdo, G. M. Farinola, F. Milano, M. Trotta
“Photoelectrodes with Polydopamine Thin Films Incorporating a Bacterial Photoenzyme
Advanced Energy Materials 2020
A new method for processing silk fibron with the unique feature to spontaneously regenerate fibers which are doped with Cerium ions
G. Rizzo, M. Lopresti, C. Giannini, T. Sibilano, A. Milella, G. Matzeu, R. Musio, F. Omenetto, G.M. Farinola
"Silk Fibroin Processing from CeCl3 Aqueous Solution: Fibers Regeneration and Doping with Ce(III)”
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2020,
Cellulose as a natural material that can be processed and modified to be used in many technological applications, and in particular as support for plastic solar cells
F. Brunetti, A. Operamolla, S. Castro-Hermosa, G. Lucarelli, V. Manca, G. M. Farinola, T. M. Brown
“Printed Solar Cells and Energy Storage Devices on Paper Substrates”
Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 21, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201806798
Design and synthesis of a fluorofore with specific polar properties which makes it able to be incorporated into soft nanostructures with application in biology
A. Ardizzone, D. Blasi, D. Vona, A. Rosspeintner, A. Punzi, E Altamura, N. Grimaldi, S. Sala, E. Vauthey, G. M. Farinola, I. Ratera, N. Ventosa, J. Veciana
“Highly Stable and Red-Emitting Nanovesicles Incorporating Lipophilic Diketopyrrolopyrroles for Cell Imaging”
Chemistry-A European Journal 2018, 24, 44, 11386 – 11392
An example of in-vivo chemical modification of a natural polymer (biosilica) to get multifunctional material for application in photonics
R. Ragni, F. Scotognella, D. Vona, L. Moretti, E. Altamura, G. Ceccone, D. Mehn, S.R. Cicco, F. Palumbo, G. Lanzani, G. M. Farinola
“Hybrid Photonic Nanostructures by In Vivo Incorporation of an Organic Fluorophore into Diatoms Algae”
Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 1706214
An overview on the use of biosilica from diatoms microalgae as materials for manifold applications as an example of a biological polymer used in technology from biomedicine to photonics
R. Ragni, S.R. Cicco, D. Vona, G. M. Farinola
“Multiple Routes to Smart Nanostructured Materials from Diatoms Microalgae: A Chemical Perspective”
Advanced Materials 2017, 1704289
Chemical modification of eumelanin to make it water soluble and processable
S. R. Cicco, M. Ambrico, P. F. Ambrico, T. M. Mastropasqua, A. Cardone, T. Ligonzo, R. d Mundo, C. Giannini, T. Sibillano, G. M. Farinola, P. Manini, A. Napolitano, V. Criscuolo, M. D’Ischia
“ A water – soluble eumelanin polymer with typical polyelectrolyte behaviour by triethyleneglycol N-functionalization”
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 2810-2816
An overview of the use of polydopamine and related bio-polymers thin films as materials for bioelectronics based on their chemical structure
M. Ambrico, P.F. Ambrico, T. Ligonzo, A. Cardone, S. R. Cicco, M. D’Ischia, G. M. Farinola
“From commercial tyrosine polymers to a tailored polydopamine platform: concepts, issues and challenges en route to melanin-based bioelectronics”
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2015, 25, 6413-6423
Performances of thin films of melanin in memory devices as a function of the thin film’s morphology and properties
M. Ambrico, P.F. Ambrico, T. Ligonzo, A. Cardone, S.R. Cicco, A. Lavizzera, V. Augelli, G.M. Farinola
“Memory-like behavior as a feature of electrical signals transmission in melanin-like bio-polymers”
Applied Physics Letters 2012, 100, 253702-1 / 253702-5
Developing processing methods to cast melanin thin films on electrodes and their applications in electronic devices
M. Ambrico, P. F. Ambrico, A. Cardone, T. Ligonzo, S. R. Cicco, R. Di Mundo, V. Augelli, G. M. Farinola
“Melanin layer on silicon: an attractive structure for a possible exploitation in bio-polymer based metal-insulator-silicon devices”
Advanced Materials, 2011, 23, 3332-3336